Couple Questionnaire Nom * Prénom Nom de famille E-mail * 1. How you first met ? 2. What was the first thing you noticed about your partner? 3. If you could have one character trait of your partner, what would it be & why? 4. Name one of the nicest/romantic things your partner has ever done for you? 5. When do you feel most loved by your partner? 6. Does your partner have any hidden/secret talents? If so, describe one of your favourites: 7. Recount a time when you were proud of your partner. 8. What does your partner do to try to cheer you up when you are not feeling well? 9. Name one crazy/audacious thing you have ever done with your partner: 10. When is your partner at his or her happiest/most fulfilled? 11. Name one thing your partner does that always makes you laugh: 12. What is your partner's favourite physical characteristic & why? 13. Describe the memories surrounding the moment when you realised that your partner was more important to you than just a friend: 14. Recount a time when your partner surprised you in a way that made you love him/her even more: 15. Why did you fall in love with your partner? 16. Why are you still in love with your partner? 17. Name one thing about your partner that only someone who knows him/her very well would know: Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses !À très bientôt !